You can follow your 22 emotions as a daily habit by following me on the Instagram app click here
Remember you can see the full list of 22 emotions when selling your Minnesota house as-is fast click here
You just came from the previous emotion before this one of Disappointment
Being overwhelmed is like boredom in that with both emotions it seems like the solution is to just take action to get momentum away from that feeling.
Overwhelm is when you have split-energy and thoughts and emotions everywhere and taking action at this point wouldn’t be wise because your thoughts and emotions aren’t aligned.
It’s best to make this part an emotional journey of alignment inside your subconscious mind. When the next logical step inspires you, then you take action.
When you are selling your Minnesota house as-Is you are going to feel like a lot of thoughts and emotions are competing with each other.
Don’t try to figure out your whole Minnesota housing situation today or this week. Practice less resistance, do a little research.
Talk to others for their fresh perspectives, think of your unique price and terms, what can you be flexible on?
Take what seems overwhelming and heavy and big and write it down into tiny steps, so that you can remove resistance along the way.
It’s all manageable, you’ll get there, feel the ease and flow of realizing it’s all going to work out.
This is why it’s important to take a nap, meditate, take a walk, take a shower, get some sleep. We want to raise your frequency.
Look at the path of least resistance and choose good feeling thoughts that soften your thoughts towards the simplicity of a solution.
The more you relax and chill the more you will realize the priority of what’s most important to you.
Don’t let your analytical mind try to force a solution too quickly just to escape overwhelm. That’s too much action too quickly.
Relax, allow your feeling subconscious give you some clarity and slight momentum in the right positive direction of ease and flow.
I wanted to show you a couple of YouTube videos by Abraham-Hicks for this current page emotion of: Overwhelm with the goal of how you can get to the next level and next emotion by clicking the link below
The next emotion up the scale for you to practice thinking, feeling, and speaking to create your own reality before selling your Minnesota house as-is fast is:
Frustration, Irritation, Impatience
When you are ready to sell your Minnesota house as-is fast click here to read my detailed article before you text me