Minnesota Real Estate Investors periscope is now redirecting to my twitter @ronorr
Periscope can help connect our world even more
I just really believe with periscope we are able to see different people, languages cultures and travel the world or teleport as the CEO or co-founder of periscope says.
It’s a far better product then looking at older photos or writings. It’s about what’s live and what’s going on these days.
It’s funny as my blog post links and URL’s now have dates built into them and over the years I normally would have not wanted to do that with the SEO and search engine optimization, but since info, news and technology now change so fast its very important to see things as they relate to dates, timelines, and history.
Periscope can help with the work-life balance. What if you enjoy your daily life and you can put that value on periscope.
What if work and play overlap. When I get on these 3 boat rides with friends and people I network with this Friday July 17th, 2015, the 23rd and August 1st, I plan to periscope it, so that you can all experience life with me and we can learn to work together and play together. Follow me @ronorr on twitter
Work Play Daily
If you design your life and work day together just right then we can have a work play balance to life. Monetizing life, fun, and working together as friends and a team. We connect together with our daily lives
I have found that to make any of these relationship funnels you have to be part of people’s daily lives through facebook, periscope, twitter or whatever they do daily, that they may be addicted to. This helps scale and grow the relationships and trust faster and makes conversations in the future far faster and more fluid.
People get closer and start becoming friends. I’ve noticed that with our systems and team for real estate that people start to work together especially when they are doing what they love to do.
Daily Habits Follow My Content
My end goal is that you follow my content daily or close to, this way you can get my blog updates on the blog, and on facebook. My end goal is for us to build a Ron Orr tribe, so together we can get to know each other as a group of friends.
How great would that be to be one close-knit community where we can share and be close within each others lives and support each other. It will take time to get to know each other and more of you will need to comment and speak up, even ask some questions.
The article about 1000 true fans and Seth Godin’s tribes really is what motivated me to do this. You see once I can have your help to swipe up or over on your phone and share the broadcast with everyone on periscope and twitter it will help our community grow. This is what I am looking forward to.
Ron Orr
Follow me on twitter and periscope @ronorr