Minnesota Real Estate Investors periscope is now redirecting to my twitter @ronorr
Periscope map all over world
Finally the map feature that was on the iphone IOS all this time finally came to the android phone. I couldn’t figure out how to get the update at first, but after my phone automatically updated my apps and browsers I finally got the update.
When I now go to the list view it shows the list view, but also the map with the red dots everywhere. It shows me all of the countries where their are live scopes happening now.
I’m most excited about finding people in Minnesota this way. This is a great way to meet local people. People’s scopes are often short, so you can count on this map being dynamic and changing constantly.
It will also help to put your state, city or area in your headline to target more of your local people if that’s who you want to target.
Map feature for local or world view
You can squeeze your phone and zoom in or out on the map view or swipe any direction to travel the world at your fingertips.
This is even more beneficial if you know more languages then just English. This is a great way to feel like you are traveling the world and seeing life through others eyes. I believe this is why periscope was invented, and it’s a way to see so much of the world in such a short period of time.
Our world is now truly connected like never before and not just by blogs, chat, social media, and photos, not even just by movies, and not even just video, but by interactive video.
We can comment on the video and just have 1 on 1 chat’s much like face time. but all over the world even with strangers. The Q & A of periscope is great, and a great way to learn as a watcher and as a broadcaster.
Periscope different languages
You’ll want to go in your settings in periscope and choose English as the main language if it is what you want to view.
Also when you travel with the map feature the headlines will be in different languages. It’s said that in the early days that Turkey is pretty big right now on periscope.
The USA is also very big. It seems to me the demographic is 30 to 60 years old, older then some other social media platforms on average. I also have noticed a lot of people that want to be broadcasters, life coaches, speakers, and share content.
I am really hoping that the adoption rate goes up a lot and far more than 2 million people use it daily and 10 million total downloads.
I eagerly await the latest numbers and how fast it’s growing. I will continue to share what I know on this blog and I hope that I can speed up your learning curve.
For now I am going to continue to use periscope in English mode as their are more then enough people to visit with in just the U.S. and U.K.
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Ron Orr