Minnesota Real Estate Investors periscope is now redirecting to my twitter @ronorr
Is Periscope better then Meerkat?
At this point people are saying it is. In my mind if far more people are using periscope it is. To me trending and concepts with fast adoption rates are winners and in demand. I like things that catch on quickly, grow quickly and are well loved by many people and have big market potential. Based on Topsy.com if you do a search on #periscope or one on #meerkat or compare the two periscope is clearly getting way more uses of the hashtag.
I know that twitter had a lot to do with this since twitter owns periscope. Also an automatic #periscope goes out with each tweet when you do a live broadcast stream. Each broadcast stream doesn’t automatically post to twitter. Let me explain.
When you post a new broadcast, you have 3 icons as of this date and one tells your location to others to find on the map view of IOS, which isn’t yet on android I’ve heard. The middle icon let’s you put the broadcast only out to those that follow you.
The 3rd one to the very right is the twitter bird logo icon and if you press that before you start the broadcast it will post the hashtag on your twitter stream, assuming your twitter account is connected to periscope.
I found out yesterday if you go to the top right where the 3 people are to the right of the globe in your periscope app and click on the top right person icon which is your profile. Scroll down under settings and on android you will find logout. You can then login again under a different twitter account.
I know if you didn’t set up twitter originally with periscope, but instead a phone #, that may be a hard part to figure out. Of course on that screen you can see how many you are following and how many are following you.
I know that it rounds up usually by the hundreds on your profile on your app. If you go to www.watchonperiscope.com then do a search for your @ name you can find the exact number of followers. I have not dug this far into details with meerkat at this point. It does take some time to get familiar with periscope’s app.
Periscope’s future looks bright
Based on the stats today periscope’s future is looking pretty bright. I know that Alex Pettitt @alexpettitt and Mark Shaw @markshaw who are youtube starts and twitter starts they invest their time on periscope.
It doesn’t hurt that twitter owns them. Twitter has a huge user database and has been around about 7 years or more. Twitter has always had a challenge with figuring out how to monetize what they do. I went through the process of advertising for the first time a few days ago after 6 1/2 years on twitter and I thought the process of understanding it was too complicated. I want to advertise on the featured part of periscope, or figure out a way to advertise only to periscope people.
My money for radio ads, blogging, uploaded periscope videos onto youtube, twitter tweets from periscope, and my periscope facebook page, this is all being invested into periscope. If I have to make a pivot point to meerkat later on I am open to doing that, but it’s nice to have my database all in one spot. I also don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket. This is why I am creating a solid foundation at the top of the relationship funnel with the widest part of the relationship funnel which in my mind is google with organic search clicks which goes with blogging and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Also youtube videos are part of SEO and google rankings. I know that over time the facebook posts and twitter posts get lost over time, and the hashtags get lost in the search engines on these respective platforms.
The only bad part about SEO or google search is you could say it’s still not an obvious lateral move with downloading the periscope app. The good news is so many people now use their smart phones that if they search google and use their periscope app with their smart phone then the google and facebook PPC advertising can even make sense. I am also keeping rotation on radio stations to raise awareness to me being on periscope.
I feel I have a lot of content to share and that’s why I want to increase my live audience. Monetizing is always a key to the future. Building live viewers, live calls and building community and leads is what I’ve done for years.
Periscope reaches more then Meerkat because of Twitter
I do think that periscope will continue to reach more people for now then meerkat even with meerkat cameo, saving to the cloud and other benefits just simply because of twitter’s massive audience and control of the social graph and tweets, and hashtags that they control.
And research is for sure showing that the #periscope hashtag is being tweeted out like crazy on topsy.com even by the hour. That’s thanks to the almost automatic way to do it with how periscope and twitter are connected. As I was teaching before though that the tweet with the hashtag isn’t automatic, you do have to select it before you periscope.
Also I did notice the other day doing a 3rd periscope in 3-5 minutes did build traction by the 3rd periscope. It felt like it was because by the 3rd one they got a good reminder what was coming up. Twitter still is challenged on getting their database of users to grow like facebook.
I do think that twitter is more of a live audience and more influencer’s and has a different dynamic then much of facebook which is more latent these days. I did notice that I got about 100-150 collectively LIVE from the lean startup periscope for the Minnesota meetup that I attended with about 35 people yesterday. It’s on the 24 hour replay, but will be gone by Thursday 7-23-15, along with it’s secrets. The goal is for people to be on the LIVE broadcasts to catch what is going on. More importance on the live broadcast, so that we can get participation from the others on their.
I did notice with those 8 , 2-10 minute periscopes that the headline with hashtags and just the right keywords, or worded just right is what actually got many people to jump on, including 30-39 live on some of the short periscopes, which was impressive.
Ron Orr
Follow me on Twitter and Periscope @ronorr