Minnesota Real Estate Investors periscope is now redirecting to my twitter @ronorr
Live Stream with the help of twitter
Twitter is working great in sync with Periscope in that twitter is truly the syndication piece for periscope. I find that twitter lags behind periscope on notifications by 5 to 60 minutes.
Also I find that twitter’s true value is in the hashtag. Let me explain… I find that most of my people get on periscope within 60 seconds, but they are familiar names, so I credit it to push notifications and a live almost always on periscope audience.
Twitter has so much information coming in and their own apps and programs that people have to filter the headlines as well.
I find that my quick scopes of 5 minutes, often get a wake of replay visitors, I’m assuming from twitter due to the #periscope hashtag or other hashtags, and also those scopes usually have great headlines. I’ll take replay viewers, and appreciate the hearts.
I think periscope will need to come along way to get into more of a mastermind session like blab.im does right now.
Periscope is built on top of twitter
Twitter did a great thing by buying periscope. Periscope now has the syndication network and larger user base. I also feel like periscope is the visual for twitter beyond the 140 characters and the chance to ACTUALLY connect with people and fill in the other 80% of the body language communication that was always missing. Twitter also has a lot of influencers with a large social circle and this aligns well with shares and invites on periscope.
I love it when those watching my periscope broadcast share or invite all of their followers to increase the live audience, this is a huge compliment and makes for a better connecting experience for everyone. Twitter has a very live audience from what I’ve witnessed
Periscope live stream like meerkat and facebook mentions
Periscope I still believe in the main focus in live streaming with over 10 million downloads compared to meerkat and facebook.
Facebook isn’t opening it up to the whole market, just celebrities, and they could try to force it like google did with google plus, but numbers of users and accounts aren’t the same as actually using the product.
Meerkat I haven’t heard much about lately, so according to hashtags on topsy.com it still appears periscope is what people are using on a daily basis. I just checked Meerkat and it went flat and it’s becoming non existent, it’s all moved to periscope now.
The adoption rate on periscope is impressive and I look forward to their future charts to show how much they are growing, or should I say scaling. Growing is typically linear and scaling is more exponential.
I’ll continue to blog to you about periscope, but I’m going to take a pivot to move into headlines, as I now see so many people coming in on the periscope scene that I see the need for getting better at headlines as more important.
You could spend a lifetime learning headlines and copywriting, so it shows you how much of an artform their is to writing headlines.
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Follow me on periscope and twitter @ronorr
Ron Orr