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Live Broadcast Streaming on #Periscope Daily

Minnesota Real Estate Investors periscope is now redirecting to my twitter @ronorr

Broadcast LIVE up to daily

It’s not a bad idea to broadcast LIVE up to daily.  The reason is that you can scale up your life and relationships daily.

You can build long-term relationships daily when you connect on periscope both from watching and from broadcasting.  Make sure to replay to comments and answer people’s questions.

When you visit other people’s periscopes they will visit yours often.  This is one way to build up a following.

I know many have to build up the courage to go live and get over the first time jitters and that’s ok.  #tagtribes community on the facebook group is a community that is there to support you in your journey in becoming better at speaking to an audience on camera. Your self-esteem and confidence will soar over time.

Periscope will be a bigger part of your daily life and you’ll be excited to do word of mouth and have others follow your content.

Choose content that you are passionate about and it won’t feel like work to you.

Broadcast For Followers

I like to broadcast on periscope to gain LIVE followers in the moment, but also to gain long-term followers.

Something as simple as writing a great headline and putting hashtags in your title can get you live viewers, replay viewers and get your tweets favorited, get you on twitter lists, and even twitter followers.

In addition you will also naturally and organically get periscope followers after getting so many twitter followers.  I find that twitter followers come in much faster then periscope followers.

This just means that a periscope follower has that much more value.  I follow a lot of people on periscope, but I have found that over time many give great value, so it’s more about following the headline, and clicking accordingly to what looks like a great use of time that is relevant to me that day, week or month.

Twitter Followers and Periscope Followers

Twitter and Periscope followers are so closely linked since Twitter owns Periscope as of a few months ago.  Also periscope often tweets up to 80,000 to 100,000 times per day with the #periscope hashtag and twitter is such a large syndication tool for periscope, that twitter is like the wake of live periscopes, so it’s no surprise that after many live periscopes that you’ll get many twitter followers.

This past few days I’ve seen someone posting on facebook that periscope has now reached about 3% of the entire twitter audience which is quite an accomplishment

I’ve heard a couple of weeks ago of 10 million downloads, but I also heard today of 500 million twitter people, so it’s hard to say that % is quite that high. Either way I like the daily numbers and how often it’s used as well as using awesome headlines to build your own following.

You can have all of the followers, and the greatest content, but without a great headline nobody will even know you have great content.

There is a good chance you’ll have far easier twitter followers then periscope followers, but then again it depends on how you market yourself and how much you blog or do youtube videos to get 1 or the other.

You carve out your niche and what platform you want to connect with people on in the relationship funnel.

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Follow me on Twitter or Periscope @ronorr

Ron Orr

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