#RT #Katch.me and Katch.me/ronorr to see my periscope replays

save periscope replays

Minnesota Real Estate Investors periscope is now redirecting to my twitter @ronorr

Katch.me save and download replays and more

I started using Katch.me at almost midnight last night and it’s taking off for me.  It automatically saves and catches all of my periscopes and saves the replays in a cloud storage for me. It’s so automated I love it.

Also it has stats of live viewers and hearts for me to study as to what is working.  As soon as I had a headline of save periscopes, download, etc 30 to 40 people would get into a live periscope with me, they loved it.  I am noticing headlines work amazing for getting live viewers and more specifically headlines about periscope, and even more specific is headlines that solve a problem that most people have that they need a solution for on periscope.

It took me about 1 minute to set up katch.me and just click to authorize the twitter app and connect it to my twitter and data and just like that it’s all automated going forward.  I often tell people to go to Katch.me/ronorr if they didn’t get to my live feed, and especially if they miss out on the 24 hour replay.  This is a great chance to also go back and edit headlines, or embed video, or even fast forward into videos.

This is something I am going to feature a lot on my periscope scopes that I do.  I want to see if it will catch on with more viewers, and then see if that turns into more followers.  If it does, I will feel like I have a great feedback loop to scale a live audience.

I will also do another blog post in a bit with some common questions or problems in the periscope market and what type of headlines are working to get people onto my periscopes as a live audience.  I do think traction and momentum is built from the followers and the push notifications.


What Will Replay Do To The Live Audience

One concern I have is that the more people that know they can skip ahead in the videos or can just watch them later may feel less of a need to watch the live periscope videos and this may make the live audience go down a lot.  But as I was typing this I just thought about how many people 4,000 live were for Eric Worre just hours ago and up to 1000 or more for Tim Ferriss live and they have tons of video archives all over the internet, so that can’t be true.

I love the automation of the replays, and if it works the same way as email where people like to watch or read some content before subscribing, then I am hoping by watching the replay videos they can see that before they decide to follow me.

If this proves to be true this will make a lot of sense, and 3 of the main people I follow on periscope are huge with so many followers and they have tons of youtube videos, so this would help give me some clarity.

I will continue to do live periscopes and tell others of the saved periscopes that I have on katch.me/ronorr so that they can get answers to previous ones they may have missed.

I want to do a lot of question and answer on periscope and help others with internet marketing as well as real estate answers to important questions.  It’s all about helping give value and attracting your right audience, fans, and tribe.

This is why I have been telling everyone about the 1000 true fans article as well as the Seth Godin Tribes audiobook on youtube.  That 1000 true fans concept is really starting to resonate with me now.  I was getting more then 1000 likes, comments, shares, and far more on twitter, facebook etc, so I couldn’t figure out how to narrow it down and filter to just 1000.

Well I can give much better qualify content by periscope and justify it to myself when it’s a live audience.  It’s more fun with the value given back from the real-time comments.  Now it’s more like a real 1 on 1 conversation, but with 20-50 others watching.

Lean Startup and Periscope

I think periscope may be great for a lean startup.  What I have been saying and teaching for years is this idea of a “feedback loop” you need this dynamic evolving feedback loop to keep creating better iterations and growing far faster.  This is what gets me excited about this video and facebook path to 1 billion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raIUQP71SBU.  It just shows me the pivot points and what makes businesses grow.

I am seeing it with periscope and loving it.  Right now I am focusing on solutions to problems in periscope specific headlines. I will branch out to twitter, facebook, real estate and other internet marketing.  One person just logged on last hour and loved periscope and said they skipped twitter all together and just signed up to try it.  This video is very direct and he tells you how it is.  He also reminds me of how fast the viral loop can happen.

The video is about growth hacking #growthhacking.  Here is the slideshare of it http://www.slideshare.net/growthhackersconference/how-we-put-facebook-on-the-path-to-1-billion-users.

I saw a stat yesterday 7/29/15 where facebook is up to 1.49 billion users now.  Below I have those stats and it’s amazing how much is in the core userbase for each of these products from whatsapp, instagram, and how big it is for events, and groups.

This video is about watching and studying lots of data.  This is where you do data-driven decisions to decide where to pivot.  This is part of the lean startup methodology.

facebook stats 2015


Ron Orr

Follow me on periscope and twitter @ronorr


Ron: Infinity Conciousness